'Vallambrosa' is a unique and attractively designed Federation Queen Anne cottage residence with hipped roof clad with red terracotta tiles and decorative tiled ridges. The house is mostly of tuck-pointed brick with some prominent use of rough-casting.
The most notable features of the house are it's two primary gabled bays with decorative chimneys and it's prominent decorative turret. One of the gabled bays projects forward at the front of the house while another projects towards the west from the side of the house. Both are almost of identical design. Both feature chimneys of brick, rough-cast and topped with a terracotta pot. The chimneys are the key and most prominent feature of each of the two bays as they extend all the way down below the eaves and down the middle of the facade, widening until about halfway down the bay. The chimney extensions are primarily of rough-cast with some brick decoration and are flanked on either side by double-hung windows.
The main verandah features timber posts with brick balustrading and extends a short distance before terminating at the square turret. The main entrance door opens onto the verandah via the front facet of the turret. The turret features rough-cast, panelling and a steeply hipped roof with timber brackets and exposed rafter feet. The roof itself resembles a witches hat in design.