Property Details

Property ID: 35


Address and Location
Street Address:
2A Appian Way (View Details)
Suburb/Postcode: Burwood  2134
City: Sydney
State: NSW
Country: Australia

Council/LGA and Zoning
Council/LGA: Burwood

Property Details
Category: House
Built: c. 1906 ~ 1907
Architectual Type: Federation
Demolished: No 

- Local Heritage Item
- LGA Conservation Area

One of the largest and most ornate houses built on the Hoskins Estate 'Verona' features an arched entrance to the verandah and multiple gables with a two-toned facade with faced-brick and roughcast. There are tall chimneys and it's roof is capped with a dominant turret.


Internally the house retains original features such as detailed timber joinery, paneled doors and corniced ceilings with centerpieces. Like several other Appian Way homes, the house had some late 1920's internal modifications with some marble mantels replaced for brick ones.

Historical Notes
'Verona' would have been built from around 1906 to 1907. It's entirely likely that the house may have been completed by the end of 1906. Like most Hoskins' Estate properties, Verona was put on the market for lease soon after construction had been completed.

By April 1907, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Marks would be residing at the property[1] and on May 9, 1907 a daughter was born to the couple at 'Verona'.[2] Sometime likely in 1908, the Marks family would vacate the property and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Anderson would take up lease. A number of children would be born at the property to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. On January 11, 1909,[3] March 18, 1910[4] and August 10, 1911,[5] daughters were born to the couple and on January 10, 1914 a son would be born to the couple, also at the house.[6] By around 1920 a Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Elliot would be residing at the house.[7]

  1. (Apr 2, 1907). "Advertising". Sydney Morning Herald
  2. (May 18, 1907). "Family Notices". Sydney Morning Herald
  3. (Feb 3, 1909). "Family Notices". Sydney Morning Herald
  4. (Apr 6, 1910). "Family Notices". Sydney Morning Herald
  5. (Sep 2, 1911). "Family Notices". Sydney Morning Herald
  6. (Jan 31, 1914). "Family Notices". Sydney Morning Herald
  7. (Sep 6, 1920). "Advertising". Sydney Morning Herald

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